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We Spent Our VDay at a PDQ, and That’s OK.

Valentine’s Day started with a gigantic handmade card, chocolates, pretty pink tulips, and a scavenger hunt to my car that had been loaded the night before with Sirius XM (thanks babe!). How it ended was not what I was expecting.

I’m the first person to say “treat yo’self” and take advantage of a holiday that means you can dress nicely, put on your favorite heels, and enjoy a nice expensive meal out with your favorite guy. Sure, you can go out any night, and express your love for each other every day – but throwing the words “Valentine’s Day” in front of the term “date night” just gives it a different feel, even for Ben and I.

Since last Friday, we had a dinner reservation for Valentine’s Day at Del Frisco’s Grille – a steak restaurant in Tampa. Because we made the reservation so late, the only time slot that we could book for dinner was at 9:30 at night.

Now ask me where we ended up for dinner last night. I’ll give you a hint, it wasn’t in Tampa.

It was the grand opening of a PDQ that was 5 minutes away from our condo.

You may be wondering why I’m not typing a ranting post about how disappointed I am. How I seem so okay with the fact that we ended up with chicken tenders and dipping sauces instead of perfectly cooked steaks and expensive wine. I’ll tell you:

I promise you’ll be just as happy either way.

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